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Why should you join DAF?

Can you imagine all Dunbar seniors receiving scholarship funds to go to college and successfully completing? How about there being sufficient funding to finance student, faculty and parent development? What about Dunbar becoming all it can be academically and socially? Can all classes work together not only to fellowship with each other but also to give back to their Alma Mater that helped to make them become successful? Can we make sure our museum becomes a sustainable depository and exhibitor of the Dunbar history and legacy? These are but a few elements of our vision of the success and effectiveness of the Dunbar Alumni Federation and the Dunbar High School. If you share this vision, we invite you to join the Federation to make this vision a reality!

What is the Dunbar Alumni Federation?

DAF is a membership organization of alumni who are concerned about the quality of teaching and learning that takes place at our Alma Mater: The one and only Paul Laurence Dunbar High School. Our mission is to create better futures for current Dunbar students and its graduates.

Who is eligible for membership in DAF?

Individuals and classes who consider themselves dedicated to the renaissance of Dunbar, restoring Dunbar to national prominence, promoting Dunbar’s history and legacy and helping Dunbar to be recognized as a high performing school.

What are the benefits of joining DAF?

  • Regular opportunities to voice your concerns and ideas on policies, programs, and issues that help DAF achieve its vision and mission.
  • Access to up-to-date information about students, school, alumni and educational issues.
  • Effective ways to give back to our Alma Mater, current and future students, parents, and faculty.
  • Membership in an influential network of prominent alumni and opportunities to learn from effective classes.
  • Ability to pool and leverage the influence of the membership to effect change in the lives of young boys and girls and bring a return on investment.
  • Choices in how your contributions are used and opportunities to donate in your name or in honor of a loved one or a bequest from your estate or insurance.

How do I join DAF?

To JOIN online, click here online. To RENEW your membership online, click here. You may also click Membership/Donation/Event Registration to download form and mail with check or money order to: Dunbar Alumni Federation, PO Box 60714, Washington, DC 20039.

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