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Dunbar Alumni Federation, Inc. · P.O. Box 60714 · Washington, DC 20039



Privacy Statement

Dunbar Alumni Federation, Inc. (DAF) has at all times complied with all applicable laws relating to privacy, data protection, and the collection and use of personal information collected, used, or held for use by DAF in the conduct of DAF’s business. No claims have been asserted or threatened against DAF alleging a violation of any person’s privacy or personal information or data rights and the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby will not breach or otherwise cause any violation of any law related to privacy, data protection, or the collection and use of personal information collected, used, or held for use by DAF in the conduct of the DAF’s business. DAF takes reasonable measures to ensure that such information is protected against unauthorized access, use, modification, or other misuse. All personal information is kept confidential. DAF does not share with and/or sell personal information to third parties.

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